
Monday 19 November 2012

Another day, another surgery

Trotted off to the GP today, thinking that the main topic was the constant heartburn and digestive bleugh-ness that is the bulk of everyday life... Thought while I was there I would see if the letter suggesting the bone density scan had arrived. It hadn't, and Ms GP commented that another scan in less than 2 years was a bit unusual... After a chat I suggested that maybe we should wait and see what the blood test results showed before deciding - and of course there were the results on the screen. Isn't technology wonderful?!?!
Seems that my calcium and what-have-you levels are all sparkly-shiny-happy... which is good, I think. So we decided that we could probably leave the bone density scan for now...

So then on to the main event, the constant, nagging, horrible heartburn. Yep, I know that it's a bit of a First-world complaint, isn't it... "Aww, I always feel like I have just eaten too much" - but it is becoming a bit debilitating, if I don't take the indigestion pills I really can't function properly. Anyway, life's too short to be miserable. So, she asked me lots of questions, poked at my ample girth, and then pronounced that while she didn't think it was my gallbladder at all, she would suggest an ultrasound scan to see if there was anything going on...Oh, and a couple more blood tests... While she was keying stuff into the computer she casually asked about periods and such, which haven't been a feature of my life since the chemo blasted my fertility into oblivion and started my "crone" phase somewhat precipitously... then the penny dropped, and I said, as casually as I could manage, "I did have my CA125 levels checked four or five years ago". She stopped typing at that point... which I felt indicated a small "hey, I know about this stuff" point in my favour. CA125 is a hormone marker that if elevated can indicate the presence of ovarian cancer. They check it all the time, I learned not to panic about that ages ago. So she looked at the results of that test, which was fine, and booked a repeat... and an ultrasound...
I am fairly comfortable that the levels will come back fine, and that the ultrasound will show my ovaries are all happy... well, as happy as a couple of chemically battered walnuts can be, I guess. I will be mighty racked off if that's not the case, though! I have had my turn dancing with the cancer fairy and I don't fancy any more of that at all.

The other thing she came up with, which sounds more promising and rather less scary, is a thing called Helicobacter Pylori - which is a little bug that lives in the gut, is easily detected and easily treated. Downside is that the indigestion tablets I take will mess up the test, so I  have to stop that for two weeks before the test appointment. Hey ho...

So they took my blood, ordered the ultrasound, booked the appointment to test for the H.Pylori... and then I went home. Back in the waiting room again, which is always worrying, but at least I am feeling reasonably confident that there's nowt nasty going on in there. Hey ho...

In other news, the presentation I have been fighting with all week should be finished tomorrow, only a couple of days past the deadline (oops) but if that's the worst thing that happens this week then it hasn't been a bad one. Now just got to sort out these pesky customer problems...

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