Sorry folks, haven't updated for a bit... not sure why.
Hubby did his trip to Guernsey, seems to have done what was required although he doesn't seem terribly sure - he's back to shifting a wheelbarrow today so he's more comfortable, although he will no doubt be completely worn out when he returns. What a way to spend his birthday...
I saw the oncologist on Wednesday - it was all a bit odd... He examined the lump but didn't say much, I guess that the change isn't so dramatic now. He had difficulty finding it, although I can still feel it quite clearly, although it has changed a lot. Let's hope it's for the better, eh? He said that he would be writing to the surgeon asking him to schedule the surgery for approximately six weeks after the final chemo session, which is scheduled for a week on Wednesday. That means the surgery will be at the end of November or beginning of December. I have now paid up the medical insurance premiums so I will have a bit more control over the scheduling if nothing else. However, almost the last thing the oncologist said as I was leaving was "and he will perform a wide local excision and then refer you back to me after surgery for some radiotherapy". Now this is only the second time that radiotherapy has been mentioned, and in fact my notes seemed to imply that this wasn't going to happen. I guess things change and they make decisions based on what they find as they go along, but I have no idea what this will entail and it's all a bit worrying. I have been having major panics and depressions over it all for the last few days. The trouble is that the research I have done so far suggests that the radiotherapy will be applied every day for a period of between two and seven weeks... the average seems to be about five weeks. It only takes a few minutes, and is supposed to be painless, so that's a good thing, but if I have to go to the hospital every single day for five weeks it's going to be a bit of a shock to any prospective employer!
Anyway, the implications of what he said didn't hit me for a few hours after I left, and of course by then the opportunity to ask questions was long gone. So after fretting all weekend I rang the Breast Unit at the hopsital today and spoke to one of the specialist nurses - I now have an appointment to go and see her for a chat tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully she will give me a better idea of what is going to happen.
I went up to London to meet with a headhunter who thinks I am a great fit for his client's needs... that was all fine and we got on just fine, the job would be good but sounds a bit daunting given my current situation. However the phone interview with the client the following day didn't go well at all. I haven't done any interviews for ages, and I was so wooden you could have built a bridge out of me. I suspect that the woman I was talking to thought I was a complete fraud and I have blown that one totally. Hey ho. There are a couple of other things in the pipeline, but I am honestly starting to wonder whether I should just stop even looking for a few weeks. Trouble is that I only get Jobseekers for so many weeks... It might be better to get the doctor to sign me as unfit so that I go onto Employment Support Allowance for a while, which would postpone the Jobseekers allowance, particularly while I have intensive treatment coming up. I don't know what's best. Trouble is I so want to have a job again!
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