
Wednesday, 17 November 2010

More coffee please...

Guess what - I am still here...
The Great Man arrived this morning just after nine (I was up, washed and sat smiley in the chair by ten to eight this morning after he arrived at the same time as breakfast yesterday!), without any sidekick or followers at all! However, he said that he really wants to get the drain out, but I appear to be still leaking. There comes a point where the risk of infection caused by having the drain in starts to outweigh the problems caused by taking it out... and it appears that he thinks that point will be tomorrow. If I am still leaking and the drain is removed, the fluid will build up into a Seroma which will have to be aspirated (drained) with a syringe. That would be dull, but we will see how the fluid builds up in my funky handbag today. It would be nice not to have this thing to carry around any more, I have to say. At least he said that the fluid is a nice colour... sort of orangey with bits of blood in it, not to my taste but there you go.
Here's a nice picture of my new best friend!

Anyway, hopefully I will be out of here tomorrow some time.

A recruitment agency rang me this morning asking if I was seriously interested in a job I sent a CV for yesterday... I filled in the application as much to see who the employer was, as the location is close to where I worked a while ago. The salary offered was a bit lower than I would have wanted. OK, actually his opening gambit was actually about fifteen grand lower than I would have wanted... although he managed to revise his initial estimate up a fair bit while we were talking. However, having chatted to the agency this morning, the job actually sounds rather fun, and the money isn't that far off the mark if the work is interesting - so I have asked him to put me forward for it, stressing that I would intend to stay in the role and not leg it for something with more dosh at the first opportunity.

I am a bit concerned about all the drugs I am taking. I have paracetamol, which I am happy to take for a while, and some codeine, which I would rather not be taking as apart from anything else it tends to bung up the botty rather... There is another little orange one which is a different painkiller (can't remember what it is, see, I will take anything they give me!) (update - it's diclofenac, which is another painkiller) and of course there is the new stuff, pregabalin (which sounds like an expectant dwarf to me)... This is supposed to do wonders for the numbness in my arm and back, but has a long list of warnings - including "do not take with alcohol". Now I am not a complete lush (honest!) but I would like to have a glass of wine on Friday evening, and since I am not permitted to drive for a bit I thought I would take the (somewhat rare) opportunity to do so... but now I don't know if I can! It might be that alcohol will increase the possibility of drowsiness, so if I am not driving and am going home to bed then it will be fine, but it might be that it will actually make me ill, as is the case with antibiotics like metronidazole! Hopefully, Anaesthetic man will arrive and tell me all about it - I guess that will be tomorrow rather than today though. It also is reputed to bring a risk of weight gain... but then so does everything.
I was sort of hoping that the Great Man might be back with some histology results today, after their big meeting, but no sign. They did say it might take a bit longer than that... but you wouldn't expect me to be patient, would you?

Back to the library books I guess. I wonder how I will survive at home when there isn't a steady stream of coffee delivered... I can't help thinking that it probably isn't so good for me. At home I have one cup of proper coffee first thing and then drink water - here I am putting about two pints of the stuff away over the course of the day (and eating a small mountain of biscuits) and it is probably why I can't get to sleep at night and am sat reading at midnight. Good think I am not on a ward disturbing other folk!

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