Did I mention we were redoing the kitchen? Started a little while ago. OK, about five years ago... Tiled half the floor, installed all the units and worktop on one side, half done... but the main water feed and stoptap had been arranged to come straight up at the front of a cupboard. Not easy to install new cupboards, arrange tiles... And the stoptap was leaking and didn't fully shut the water off anyhow, so that needed replacing. We couldn't actually find the main tap in the street - there was a little lid marked "water" where we believed that there should be a stoptap, but all we could find was mud. And mud. And then some more mud. To a depth of about four feet down this hole in the ground about five inches by four, which was a pain to dig into anyway. Eventually we gave in and asked the water board to replace it, the easiest and cheapest way (ie free) was to get them to swap it for a water meter. As a side effect the water bills have now dropped as well as us now having a working main stop tap.
Anyway, it's taken quite some time to get around to doing something about the one in the kitchen, but last weekend we started. I tiled as much of the floor as I could, then we got to try and dismantle the cabinets without actually destroying them so that we still had a sink in case we ran out of time. Guess what - we ran out of time. So the contents of half of the kitchen are currently in a heap in the lounge... Stress level is pretty high right now...
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