Or at least onward...
I had my last meeting with the headologist a few days ago. It was strange to be talking to her knowing that it was the last meeting - we talked through the last few weeks and it's fair to say that we've come a long way in that time, and that I have learnt a lot along the way. One thing that I have learnt is that it's not good to keep things bottled up inside - and that writing a blog is a good way to make myself sit down and work things through. It would be very easy to just rant, let off steam all the time, it can be quite cathartic, but it's not always productive long-term, and would no doubt leave me with nobody speaking to me very quickly. It's important to think about the things that happen, and the other people who are involved, who might well be reading about themselves! So rather than just blow away the frustrations that life brings, I try to think and write about them rationally, which hopefully is more useful. Hopefully it also makes the inane ramblings of the madwoman interesting enough to keep you, dear reader, awake long enough to read it as well as not causing your blood pressure to rise! I aim to amuse if I can.
Saturday brought yet another meal out (hee hee) with some friends who have recently returned from sailing in the Med. They muttered one day a few years ago that they were jealous of our plan to pack up and sail off into the sunset, so DH blithely said "Hang on, your house and boat are paid for and you've got nobody to look after here - why don't you give it a go?" - and blow me down, they did! Within a few months they'd rented out the house, dumped the jobs and headed off! They tend to come back here for a bit in the winter, to top up the bank account a bit - she's in the fortunate position of having an job that's always in demand, so she can generally get short-term work when she wants to (although he seems to have decided that he's retired!). They have good tenants, so they took a winter let on a holiday flat the first time - it worked so well that they go back to the same landlord every year now. All in all it's extremely depressing to watch them having great fun doing pretty much what we want to do. Hey ho... it's really nice to see them having a great time though.
The embarrassing bit was when they mentioned some event or another - and we didn't know about it - except they'd blogged about it and we clearly hadn't seen it. Caught out good and proper we were, and even saying "have you read my blog then?" didn't make much of a defence! So I am now hurriedly catching up with what they got up to this year, which will be no great hassle as their travels around are generally well worth the effort of reading!
At Sunday lunch, (yet another meal out!) a friend leaned across the table, told me to be still, and skilfully pinched away the mosquito that he saw sat on my forehead. Sadly, he wasn't quite quick enough to get the little so-and-so before it bit me... so now I have a rather angry lump on my left eyebrow, which is showing no signs of subsiding. Sad, as I have to go to see a customer tomorrow... hopefully some antihistamine cream will calm it down and I will look a bit less like I've been in a fight! I am tempted to dig out the NHS wig, which still looks fine and has a much longer fringe that my real one... wonder if it will cover the red lump?
Just for a change, I have actually cooked a meal this evening, if himself ever arrives home to eat it. I've just looked at the clock and it's an hour later than I thought, which means that the chicken pieces are probably a bit dried up by now, and the parkin is most likely completely carbonised. Hey ho... Hopefully I will have interesting (to me at least) news on the home improvement front soon... there may be - gasp - a conservatory!!! Watch this space...
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