
Saturday, 17 December 2011

The boys are back in town - day three

They were here bright and breezy at 8am... It's all blue and shiny now, albeit rather cold... there was a frost last night, as predicted by a friend last night - he got me all despondent by providing education on the chemical process that creates concrete from sand and cement... which I did actually know... and highlighting how the whole process comes undone if the water in the mix freezes before it sets.  But there was no new stuff yesterday so there was no problem with the frost this morning, and by the time it gets cold again this evening the stuff will have done what it needs to do.  So I am happy now.

A note to house builders - why do you ALWAYS lay the sewer across the back of new houses so that the access manhole is RIGHT in the way of a conservatory? I mean, do you do it on purpose?  Do you sit at your works parties laughing about it?  "Huh, them getting plot 73 think they are up for a pretty Victorian job on the back - wait until they find out that manhole's right in the way of where they are bound to want the wall, so they'll end up with a conservatory six feet wide".  And even when the damn thing is not where the wall wants to go, or by some stroke of luck you miss it by a couple of centimetres, the manhole has to be lifted and sealed, and then there is the pain of always needing to be able to get access to it - just in case - which messes up almost any decisions about flooring to be laid.  Well, you didn't quite get it right with this one - look, we just managed to get the damn thing inside the conservatory without having to go out any further - four inches further from the house and we'd have either had a much smaller conservatory or had to go through the planning process.  So thanks and yah booh this time!.
I feel better for the rant, thanks for bearing with me!

They've started the wall around the base, now, and are engaged in creating the little wall around the sewer access so that it can be raised to the level of the new floor... I don't know how much they will do today, but will report again later.

Now off to try and get some sort of Yuletide feelings about the place.  I know it's a bit late in the year, but I found some frozen sloes in the freezer, so they've been added to the gin this morning... I found some blackberries too, so a trip out to buy vodka is indicated - but for now I need to hit the sewing machine.

Ciao for now!

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