It's past my Dad's birthday now (Nov 28th) - as a child, this meant that we could at least acknowledge the approach of Christmas. We weren't allowed to even mention it before then! Now it was safe to talk about it, but not to do anything about it - that wasn't permitted until after my baby sister's birthday on December 7th. There are other December birthdays to worry about now, and my poor son-in-law has his on December 23rd, which does have a tendency to get lost in the madness. A friend from school was born on New Year's Day, which meant she never got a proper birthday party as everyone was all partied out by then.
The Christmas dinner season is starting in earnest now - Monday night is the 2CV club do, then Tuesday night is the other 2CV club do... we went to the pub this evening and it was full of tinsel and fairylights, the tables starting to be bedecked with crackers and holly for other people's parties... I guess we do need to start thinking about it soon! There are sweeties to make, embroidery projects to be finished, stuff to buy and wrap... I hate the stress of it all but I do like the whole giving pressies bit, I get a real buzz when people open something I've agonised over and smile enough that I believe I got it right!!!
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