If you don't have a dream, how'ya gonna have a dream come true?
For years I have had this dream. Not a very romantic or unusual one, perhaps it's a daft thing to dream about... but I always wanted a conservatory. Once, long ago, in a previous life at a previous house, I even got as far as getting the money together and going out and looking at the things. On the back of the dining room, that was where it was going. Then one day we went out and came back with a boat. A narrowboat. A very nice narrowboat, but nonetheless, a boat not a conservatory. A boat that cost four times what my blooming conservatory was going to cost, at that. Sigh.
This is actually larger than our house |
I decided a few weeks ago that a conservatory would be a great addition to our little house... We don't have a dining room, and if I ever set the dining table up in the living room with all six chairs around it there isn't actually enough room to walk around it. We have had a dinner party here - just the one - and while watching my long-suffering guests attempting to clamber over each other to get onto their chairs was pretty entertaining, and watching one poor soul performing a limbo under the table in order to get to the loo was comedy gold! - the whole thing was less than ideal. Dinner parties since then have consisted of dinner served on a tray and eaten while sitting on the sofa. Not exactly the understated elegance I was hoping for..
What we need, I reasoned, is a conservatory. A nice glass room, with a lovely view of the
junkyard swamp war-zone shed garden, where we can sit comfortably with a cocktail, and then dine under the stars. Somewhere for the cool evenings after the summer barbecues. A room where we could have a party with more than two guests! Sounds good, doesn't it? I must have been pretty convincing because M agreed to the project! I'm not quite sure, if I am honest I suspect that it might have been just to stop me rattling on about it, but anyway, the thing is that he did agree...
There used to be a triffid there |
Of course, before the thing could happen, some of the
swamp debris features of the garden had to be removed - a couple of surplus shrubs which had been showing a marked tendency towards world domination needed to go, and some of the
junk wreckage important collection of historic motor parts had to be rehomed... There was also the minor detail that there's no rear access to our house - the only way into the garden is either through the house or the garage, which is mostly full of motorcycles. So having agreed to this madness the poor bloke found himself spending his precious weekend performing a massive, if long-overdue clean-up operation. In a howling gale, torrential rain and freezing cold to boot. I've been telling him that it's all going to be worth it - he keeps giving me that look...

Well... The lads arrived this morning at an awfully early hour. Actually it probably wasn't that early, but nevertheless, grovelling apologies to my neighbours, who were treated to the sound of the concrete mixer and barrows being unloaded about 8am, the skip being delivered about 10 and the patio being ripped up in between. They dug a trench and filled it with concrete. And then they went away. Not much they can do until what they've done is set, so they will be back at 7.30 tomorrow to do some more. Hopefully it won't require so much noise - but I can't be sure.
What am I going to dream about when it's finished?
I am sure I will think of something!
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