
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Even more perspective

I haven't known whether to comment on this news, so I have been sitting on it for a few days - it was a bit of a shock, to be honest, and it knocked me sideways in the way that these things do.  Partly because it's someone I have come to like and respect, in a distant, internet (but non-stalky!) sort of way, and partly because it's one of those things that's a bit of a frightener to someone in my position.  The same thing has happened to someone who is a longstanding friend of M's, again, someone I have come to care about, and the shame of it is that my immediate response to both of these bombshells has been "this could happen to me", which peaked just before "no, how awful for you".  Both of those thoughts had lots of swear words embedded...
Both of these cases are very different to mine, and there is nothing to suggest that my life will take the same course, but nevertheless it's the big horrid thought that hangs over anyone who's been through cancer.  It's the elephant in the room that you try to ignore - but every so often something makes you look at it.

Anyway, it all puts everything - EVERYTHING - into perspective.

Here it is;
The lovely Lisa, the mistress of the positive and irreverent "up-yours" approach to what she has always called "the Bullshit", has just been told that her cancer has spread into her bones, and that, while it can be managed, it can't be fixed.  I can't think of anything sensible to say now, so I will shut up for once.

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