
Sunday, 25 September 2011

Into perspective

So here I have been sat, battling with the monster report which I have to finish and have uploaded by 9am tomorrow... it's as done as I can make it,and I've uploaded it for better or worse.  Now a colleague has just appeared online and there are just a couple of things that I might be able to tweak... my colleague is having network problems and is struggling to get her report finished too!  It's like trying to get the homework finished in time, I haven't felt like this for years!  But, the wine is open and breathing, there's a butterut squash and some garlic roasting in the oven and the chicken will only take half an hour... might even manage to relax a bit this evening.

Then M arrived, looking a bit despondent.  He'd been out on the drive, fiddling with the towbar on the 2CV, when a neighbour from along the road appeared, asking if I was around tomorrow.  Usually, that sort of query means that somebody's PC has died and they need help - but not this time.  His wife wants to talk to someone about chemo...
Seems that a trip to the dentist has led to a diagnosis of bone cancer in her jaw. They are both pretty devastated, although it sounds as though the oncologist is pretty up-beat.  She couldn't face talking to the MacMillan nurse at the hospital Friday, but she's starting to need someone to talk to a bit.  M said that of course I would pop around for a cuppa and a chat, hopefully to bring a bit of a positive note - although the bit she wants to hear is that she won't lose her hair, and I am guessing that she will.


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