
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Back in the waiting room...

Went for the bone scan today. Not much more to report - it poured with rain, the car park cost me SIX QUID, I was frozen stiff after lying still for nigh on an hour glowing gently like the Ready Brek kid... And of course I won't know what was found for some weeks. Wonder if they'd ring me early if there was something nasty? Wonder if they'd ring me early if there wasn't?

The sources of stress and panic are legion, and it's very easy to get bogged down in that nasty downward spiral. There's no reason to believe there's anything nasty - it's all to set my mind at rest, and I need to remember that. Not always easy though!

I finished the presentation last night, only 36 hours late submitting. I also booked a week off in January so I can go and chill out at the Howling Hill House... and while I was doing that I discovered that I have two weeks of leave I need to take before the end of the year, so I propose to batter the heck out of the most noisy customer problem over the next couple of days, then take a fortnight off. Sounds like a good plan - we will see if the customer's problem wants to be fixed tomorrow. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the problem! And good luck for your results too. xx
