That was a funny few weeks.
The customer's problem didn't want to be solved. It still isn't solved, but it's getting to a point where the root cause will be identified over the next few days, one way or another...
I didn't get to take my two weeks of holiday - not yet anyway. I officially started my holiday this morning, although I was online and working most of the afternoon. Hey ho. I have got my email file down to about half what it was this morning (which was so full I couldn't send work email any more!) and it should be able to survive a couple of weeks without filling again. I have one job to get rolling in the morning, then the work laptop is going in its bag. Honest. Yes, it really is. Probably.
I went to have the ultrasound on Thursday evening... in the small moment between a busy day at work and an evening with some friends who packed up and went sailing about five years ago. We told them to stop hanging around, rent the house out and go sailing... they darned well did! Anyway, the nice lady radiologist scanned my flabby tum and a few other bits that I don't really want to talk about... and then she told me that my gall bladder, kidneys, liver and ovaries all look fine. Nothing to worry about.* Blooming heck... And then we went to the pub and ate salty food and I drank ginger beer while hearing about sailing in the Adriatic. A somewhat surreal juxtaposition that left me slightly befuddled.
Then this morning, I went to see my very favourite tall sexy Italian. The one who cut me up, you remember him? Time to find out what the Bone Scan had revealed...
There was a bit of confusion, of course, Monday mornings are like that. He had my file, but he couldn't log into the computer. We went into the other office where the computer was up and running, and I found myself sat in the same chair where he and I had a pretty traumatic conversation in May of 2010; fortunately M was there and held my hand, slightly less obvious than holding me down to stop me bolting for the door, but just about as effective. The Great Man asked me how I was, and through the hyperventilation I managed to squeak "I don't really know until you tell me what the results were from the bone scan"...
So then there was much rustling and shuffling through the file for what seemed like a lifetime but was about ten seconds in reality.
It was all fine. No sign of anything sinister - specifically no indication of metastatic cancer.**
That was the point the world went all blurry, and a nurse handed me a tissue...
It had all been done to reassure me, and nobody but me really thought there was a problem, but the trouble with this bloody performance is that you're always expecting to have to do the encore. Any pain is frightening, and any test is bound to confirm the worst fears. Those closest to the frightened figure in the middle have a more clear view, and try to keep the facts in view; they often get bitten for their pains, because it's hard to see past the current fear, no matter how sensible voices repeat the words of reason.
So. Out of the waiting room and into a sunlit world of colour and possibility. Life. Woohoo - bring it on!
*was that a bit of an anti-climax? maybe. Not for me.
** see * but with knobs on!
*unfeasably large grin*
ReplyDeleteThat's kind, don't mind if I do, just a small slice of... what? ah... *grin* ... my misunderstanding!